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How Many Dots and Tiles are in Each Domino Set

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Number of Dominoes in each set

When it comes to deciding on the best size of domino to suit you, you will have to consider a number of factors.

 For example: The games you want to play, and the area of the flat surface where you will be playing. If you only have a very small table to play on, then a mini-sized set may be preferential, but if space isn't an issue then the larger sets are much easier to read and handle, and may be considered preferential generally. 

In some domino games, players hold their dominoes in their hand, like a hand of playing cards, and the larger dominoes may prove very awkward and clumsy to hold. Other domino games are played with player's hands of tiles laying on their side's edge, facing the player. Thicker tiles are obviously better suited for this and are less likely to tip over.

It also is important to note how many players you have, the more players, the larger the set.


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